Nepal is a beautiful country located in South East Asia, popular worldwide for Mount Everest, the highest peak in the word. Embroided with pearls of natural beauties and centuries-old-heritage, it is a must-visit destination. It holds a population of 20 million, and children comprises 35% of the total population. Infant mortality rate is 45% in 1000 live births. In a developing nation, healthcare faces a major challenge. Much of efforts has been poured in upbringing the basic medical care and maternity care. However, a comprehensive pediatric care is lagging nationwide and appears as a disabled specialty for years. Even in the capital city with tertiary care centers, newborn care is limited and pediatric intensive care is a rarity. Stories of fearful expectant mother are mouthful. Poverty hinders medical care and affording parents flock to neighbouring countries to get their children treated at the expense of substantial burden. It is obvious that a comprehensive care dedicated to newborn and children with specialized services is a need.
With the initiative of motivated pediatricians, MNN put forth a noble step promoting comprehensive care of newborn and children. It is a nonprofit organization established in 2011 under the … A major transformation into Center for Advanced Pediatric Care and Hematology-Oncology with proposed facility of Bone Marrow Transplant, was incorporated in … Specialized care in lowest and affordable price even to the poorest and comprehensive pediatric care by dedicated team of pediatricians remain the core principles. Initial focus roots in neonatal and pediatric intensive care, the area which is neglected besides comprehensive care. Pediatric subspecialty services will be incorporated in near future.
In addition to medical services, MNNH values academics and research. We strive to improve the standard care of pediatric practice in Nepal and promote evidence based medicine. This would also be an academic institute with excellence in providing an opportunity to learn all about the care of children.
About Pediatrics
value. ​quality care. convenience.